Church buildings in the developing world are required to house the many new and growing congregations as the Gospel reaches into reached and yet unreached areas of the world. Many congregations have no building or land on which to build and many are struggling to build a lasting structure for the long-term needs of the congregation. Sometimes congregations rent a building from a local landlord and then face paying the landlord’s rent hikes made with no arbitration. Mission International seeks to help needy partner congregations fund the construction of church buildings for their people.
Church buildings double as basic school classrooms and for community meeting places when not in use for church services. A church building can be the centre of the community as the congregation seeks to reach out to help and support the whole community.
Church buildings in the developing world often have a short shelf life. Due to their simple construction building only last a short time. Many are constructed with mud walls and grass roofs and so due to weather, wind and rain, and termite attack the buildings soon are unfit to be used. Mission International seeks to support those who are church planting in remote rural areas, where resources for the new church plants are very limited, to provide a more long-term solution to church building.
Shelter from the rain, and of course from the very hot sun is a basic need when considering a church building, however providing for the longer term requires a more substantial building. This can be in the form of an iron sheets building on one build with fired bricks and an iron sheet roof. A more permanent building lets the wider community know that the church intends to be established in the area and are there to support and help the whole community physically and spiritually.
The commitment to reach their people with the Gospel by rural Christians in challenging circumstances is very commendable. UK Christians and Churches can partner with them to enable them to fulfil the vision God has given them.